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5 Ways to Boost Blog Engagement

There are millions of blogs out there. Make sure your blog gets noticed and your visitors engage with it


It goes without saying. You want your readers to engage with your blog. You want them to comment and share your post on various social media. You want them to come back to your blog and read your next post. In sum, you want your visitors to engage. Here we will explain what is important for the best SEO companies to get visitor engagement, and give you 8 tips on how to increase the engagement of your audience to your blog!


What is blog engagement exactly?

Blog engagement is generally defined as all the ways people can interact with your blog, and the post that makes up your blog. This could be leaving a comment, sharing your post on their Facebook profile or mentioning your blog post in a newsletter, tweet or their own blog post for that matter. Besides those, it’s a form of engagement to return to your website to read your next post or subscribe to your newsletter.

Engaged readers are those readers that are active on your blog. These active users are the people that consume your stuff, buy your stuff, read your newsletter and become regular visitors of your website. These people are your most loyal customers as a blog owner, and can also be your brand ambassadors who will help you reach other people.


Why is blog engagement crucial for SEO?

Blog engagement can contribute to your digital marketing efforts as a whole, and SEO in particular. If your audience shares your post and leave comments on your blog (make sure that you respond to these comments to increase engagement even further), Google and Bing will notice that your blog is very much alive and active.

Even better, mentions on social media will also help with your blog’s ranking. If people share your post on social media or talk about it online, this will definitely lead to more traffic.

But how do you increase the engagement of your audience? How do you make sure that people comment on your blog post and share it on social media? Here are 5 ways to increase the engagement on your blog!


1. Create high-quality content

Content is king, so if your content is not awesome, you will never be king. Your content should be so informative, funny, or relevant, that your site visitors want to share it with the world and stand behind your message.

Of course, this can be challenging. It should be challenging to become king.

But if you take a few steps in preparation you’ll be able to create quality content that your readers and Google will love.


2. Respond to the engagement

If you do invite people to comment on your blog, be polite and respond to their comments. When your audience notices that you pay attention to their reactions, they’ll be way more inclined to come back and visit your website yet another time. Not to mention engage even more with your blog. It’s a positive spiral.

Don’t worry too much about having to deal with negative or off-topic comments, as opening the discussion can bring you so much closer to your readers.


3. Ask for engagement

If you want people to respond to your post, ask them to do so! If visitors are actually invited to comment, chances are much higher they decide to do so. In other words, you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, so make sure to take some!

Ask people to share their thoughts on the matter at the end of a blog post, or encourage people to like or share your post on social media. You may read reviews from the associated websites for better ideas.


4. Be consistent

In order to get people to engage with your blog, you should blog on a regular basis. Let people know what to expect. You don’t have to blog every day to create engagement, but make sure the intervals are predictable.

If people know that you always publish posts on Thursdays, people might swing by your website on these Thursdays on their own initiative.


5. Engage on other blogs

Don’t live in a bubble. Make sure to be visible on other blogs related to your area of expertise. Comment on posts that have similar subjects as your own posts. If people see you engage on other blogs, they’ll be curious to see what you’ve written about the matter.

Be careful though not to use these comments as a way to just promote your products or services, as this can lead to more annoyance than people visiting your site, and punishment by Google and Bing.


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