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Best Uptime Monitoring Tools


As an owner of a website, there is nothing worse than being the last one to find out that something went wrong with the site. Every person who takes care of such stuff knows that even one hour of inactivity might result in losing numerous potential customers and smaller revenue.

These days, customers are becoming more demanding than ever, so every time your website fails to operate, the chances that you will lose at least one customer are big.

To prevent that, you should invest in an uptime monitoring tool and always be the first to know if something is going on with your website. Various tools on the market can assist you in that so that you can be relaxed all the time.

What is uptime

To start with, we should explain some of the terminologies for a better understanding. Uptime actually represents the metric that measures the time of your website’s availability.

In other words, during uptime, your website is completely operational and allows normal use. In contrast to that, downtime represents the time when something goes wrong, and your operating system fails and causes disruptions. This is where uptime monitoring tools step in, inform you about it, register the downfall and evaluate it.

Now we will help you with choosing your new uptime monitoring tool by giving you a list of the best ones on the market. Check their main features and choose the one that would suit you the best.

1. Uptimia

Uptimia is a website monitoring tool that tracks the speed, uptime, and total performance of your website. It will immediately send you alerts if some issues come up or if your website goes down.

Uptimia is amazing because it monitors your site all the time, running checks every thirty seconds by using 171 probes. To start with Uptimia, you only have to enter your website’s URL, choose how frequently you want to run the checks, and personalize the notification settings.

You do not have to worry about false alarms either because it has a system of a triple check from different locations.

2. My Website is Online

Similar to Uptime, My Website is Online is a website monitoring tool whose main goal is to inform you about any suspicious events or disruptions on your website.

It is a professional uptime monitoring service that will immediately inform you if HTTP, HTTP with matching text, TCP port, Ping, or DNS Records fail. You can choose to receive alerts by email or even SMS to be more efficient.

This monitoring service can also notify you about the expiration of SSL, any changes in DNS records, or the response time of your website. Last but not least, this tool will also monitor Google Web Risk on each of your websites.

3. CheqUptime

CheqUptime is another great website monitoring service that will surveil your software and notify you about potential problems. You can monitor multiple websites and servers at the same time and you do not have to think about the uptime ever again.

This tool will notify you if there is some kind of emergency so that you can react immediately. One of the benefits of CheqUptime is that you can set up an amazing status page. This tool will make HTTP, Ping & Port monitoring so easy and alert you about the expiration of your domain and SSL certificate.

4. Better Uptime

Another great monitoring tool is Better Uptime. This tool offers uptime monitoring by checking HTTP, SSL, Ping & Port, and many more.

It runs checks every thirty seconds, so you can be sure that you will be alerted when the issue comes up. One of the useful features is that this tool will make a screenshot and create incident timelines so that you can see the error.

5. Uptrends

One of the possible solutions for monitoring your website’s uptime or total performance is Uptrends. This tool will alert you if some issue with availability comes up, but the great thing is that it will also alert your users.

With this tool, you can create a public status page, personalize it by choosing the right colors and brand logo and make your customers informed.


When it comes to owning a website, there is nothing more important than its great performance and being alerted when something goes wrong.

To make your customers happy, you should monitor your website 24/7, and the best way to do that is to include a monitoring tool in your everyday life. We recommend Uptimia as a tool that will not disappoint you but do all the job instead of you.

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