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The Local SEO Tools You Need for Local Market Domination


SEO is an optimization process that takes advantage of natural human behavior and user search behavior to create an optimized search engine result that users can find using their search engine.

Suppose you are trying to rank your business in Google, Bing, Yahoo, and many other platforms. In that case, you are competing with millions of other businesses and people who use search engines. The goal of the search engine is to deliver the best result, but the user’s goal is to find the best results.

To do that, they look at what people are searching for, how they are searching for it, and what websites they visit to get a picture of the keywords and phrases they are using.

You can make a miracle and stand out in your local market with some awesome tools.

1. WP Links

Why is WP Links in the first place? WP Links is a plugin that helps your readers search for your website by whatever keywords they type in a search engine and by what related keywords they enter and displays these links in a separate bar at the top of each post or article.

You will have access to scan your links in just a few clicks to highlight internal or external broken links and fix them. If you do not decide to fix them, you will surely lose part of your audience because of it. WP Links can also find related content with Google search results using the canonical URL function that Google uses in every search result.

In just a few clicks, you’ll have access to notifications every time a user opens any external link and eventually leaves your website. Think of it as a fantastic security solution for all your user-generated content while maintaining traffic, and we are sure everyone would benefit from a tool like this.

Any incorrect or damaged internal and external links put you in an awkward and questionable situation in front of your visitors. In their eyes, your website will be undesirable. Therefore, take matters into your own hands and immediately review every link on your website to see if it has the correct tags and if they are broken or lead to a dangerous website.

2. WP 301 Redirects

If you are looking for a tool that will help you climb the local market rankings and take control of all the redirects on your website at the same time, then we are sure that you will love WP 301 Redirects.

It is there for you to help fix any bad redirection settings that may be doing you more harm than good. With WP 301 Redirects, you will be able to make your website effortlessly redirect your visitors to another fixed URL, with which you will be able to insert your actual links that are still available.

However, with WP 301 Redirects, you can also track visitors who have left your website via URL redirects. There are several reasons why it is good to take WP 301 Redirects into your hands, but we will highlight the possibility of changing the appearance of an existing website with a fresh one and updating as well as arranging your existing website materials.

You can easily link the two sites with either WordPress or any other content management system, and with one click, WP 301 Redirects will help you with this and make the transition very easy.

3. Yext

In our last place will be Yext. It will not be as useful to you as the two examples above, but it will come in handy. It is a search-driven directory and search engine that helps you manage all the information related to your business, location, and customers.

Also, it can provide you with a directory of business data with listings of businesses in your area that fit your clientele. The most important feature of Yext is its search-based keywords feature, which can help you rank well for your local keywords.

Yext is an invaluable tool that you can use to find your local clients in just a few minutes. It is available for all types of businesses, from small businesses to large corporations. Many people will consider Yext as the Swiss army knife of SEO or marketing software.

In the end

Local SEO may not be top of mind for most brands and businesses, but if your local network is even remotely significant, you should consider the opportunity it presents. You will be able to increase your SEO and content marketing efforts easily.

If you try any of the tools listed here, we are sure you will be able to improve your SEO and grow in your local market. With WP Links and WP 301 Redirects, you will be able to do wonders with your SEO.


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