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The Fastest Options to Promote Your Website in the Search Engines and Social Media


What is the main point of promoting your business on search engines and social media? People will find you on their own. You create a high-quality website and make good promotions. As a result, you get visitors every day without investing in advertising.


In this article, we will share tips on how to make a website that can get into the top of search networks and become popular on social networks: what content is needed, what design is needed for the site.


What determines the success of website promotion?

Both people and search engines in 2020 rate your site about the same.

If your site is:

  • Convenient
  • Useful
  • Fast

Then the readers will stay on it. And then they will come back again.


You can spend whatever budget you want on advertising or make the best viral content. But if your site is slow, annoying, and full of unnecessary ads, your visitors won’t come back.


If you successfully start promoting your site on social networks, you can get high positions in search engines as a bonus. This is the reality of 2020 when a significant portion of the content is posted on social media.


Forbes posted an article showing how social media activity affects search engine promotion.


How to create the perfect website for promotion?


A simple and convenient online store will be better than a cumbersome website.

A blog with large text and clear content separation will be better than a site with small print and clutter.


The site should load quickly

There are basic rules for a fast site. For example, you can optimize images or arrange bulky content on different pages.

However, loading speed is highly dependent on the server where your site is located. A high-quality hosting service provider will provide you with a high speed of website loading regardless of geography. If you are looking for a hosting provider, Interserver is a good option. Here you can check all its features. I promise InterServer will not disappoint you. 



Search engines love sites that display equally well in all browsers, on all devices (computers, smartphones, tablets).

Users are actively migrating from pc to mobile devices. And few people will use the desktop version of the site from a small phone screen.


Familiar structure.

Today users are used to a certain structure of the site.

What should be on the site? First of all, the main pages:

  • Home page
  • Contacts
  • Services
  • Products
  • 404 error page
  • Convenient search.


Convenience for the client

For example, if you have an online store, there should be order and search buttons. It will be convenient for the blog reader to see relevant content in pop-ups and banners.

For example, in an online store, it is important to make simple and informative product cards with the ability to buy in one click. And the online consultant system also helps a lot as it is often easier for people to write to the operator in the chat than to call.


Social media functions

The site must have “Share” buttons. If a user wants to send your content to himself or one of his friends, he should be able to do it in one click.


Of course, it’s not a full list. However, the main thing to remember is that you are making a website for people first. Search engine robots will just try to estimate how interesting your site is to the user.


How to promote your site?

2020 and 2021 are the years of content. If you want to get promoted, you must create quality content.


Depending on your niche, goals, and audience, the content will be very different. However, there are basic and simple rules for any website.


Your content must meet the following requirements.



The content must match the keyword and fully cover the topic.



You should give visitors the information they came for. It shouldn’t contain semantic errors, outdated information, lies.



Contain something important that is not in other materials and on other sites on this topic.



The content should be easy to understand, well structured (divided into semantic blocks with subheadings and paragraphs, with lists, tables, etc.).


People need to find answers to their questions on your site. If you provide services, tell us in detail about them, about the conditions, about what the client will receive. If you sell products, collect a good assortment, make informative product cards, and clear descriptions. If you blog, write credible articles, and provide valuable, unique knowledge.


How to make the content suitable for promotion on social media?

More media in the text

These are many options such as photos, graphics, and infographics, thematic videos, animation, interactive elements. However, add only what makes your content fuller, clearer, and more useful.


Share content

If you’ve built a website with good content, this is part of the journey. However, no one will read your content if no one knows about it.


Share your content

Make announcements on social networks, use email newsletters, negotiate publications on third-party sites.


Create a blog

If you have a regular company website, start a blog where you will create content that is interesting for your audience. Use up-to-date news feeds, write about solving urgent problems.


Use SEO tags

Tags help search engines navigate your site. This speeds up indexing (recognition) of pages by robots and makes it more accurate.


Connect ads

If your budget allows it, run ads. This will attract more users to your social media pages and website.


Track analytics

You can easily track everything related to indexing and ranking of sites in search engines:

  • The number of indexed pages (should be approximately equal to the number of all pages on the site);
  • Amount of traffic (site visitors): general and mobile, its sources;
  • User’s behavior analysis.

You can find more tips in this article.


Organize internal linking

Re-linking is the connection of different pages of the site with links to each other. Usually, links are included directly in the text. Re-linking helps to increase the importance of site pages for search engines. Visitors also will be grateful as it will be easier for them to navigate the site.


Update your site regularly

Add products, make new publications. This will prove to the search engines that the site is developing. But you can’t publish a lot of things at once, and then forget about updates for a long time.


Increase your download speed.

As we told before, site speed is very important both for impatient users and social media algorithms. 


Make good pages/

Close the service pages of the site from indexing and make technically important pages like Error 404.



Website promotion is not an easy process. But it’s worth it. You need to make many things as good content, understand the interests and needs of visitors, develop the site, etc. Get ready for hard work and you will get your expected results.

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