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How to Make a Perfect Instagram Bio


Once you join the community of Instagram, the first thing you want to do is make sure your bio is up to par. Especially if you own a brand you want to represent in the best possible light. If people come across your account, the first thing they will be checking out is your bio. And hitting that sweet spot when it comes to writing a great Instagram bio is no easy task. Check which elements to optimize to take your bio to the next level:

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  1. Instagram Username and Display Name

On Instagram, you have your username as well as a name displayed on your profile. Your Instagram name is one of the crucial elements people see first when they check out your profile. If you own a brand, this is where the name of your brand will be displayed.

Your username should be easily searchable, containing a keyword that represents you or your business. It should be as simple as possible. Your display name should contain some additional keywords so you get the most of of In’tagram’s SEO.

  1. Profile Picture

A profile picture is as important as your display name. If you are making a personal account, pick your best picture. If it’s a business account you want to run, it’s best to select your brand’s logo as the profile picture. It should be of the highest quality and fit Instagram’s profile picture size, which is 110 by 110 pixels. Naturally, you can attract more attention if you make it colorful however you want- the background, text, clothes, etc. Whatever you choose in the end, remember that it has to be on brand. Make it match the aesthetic of your brand and the rest of your profile.

  1. Contact Information

If you own an Instagram business profile, you can add your business’ contact information seperately from the bio. You can include phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and home addresses so people know where to reach you. So, if people have a question or want to contact you for any other reason, they can easily contact you. Best of all, this does not waste any of your character spaces reserved for the rest of your bio.

  1. Description of Your Business/Aspirations

A great Instagram bio should contain what your goal is. Whether you are a business brand or a personal account, you should let people know what interests you and what you want to achieve. This is especially important if you want to reach your targeted audience. Something as simple as “model”, “aspiring writer”, or “athlete” can go a long way. You can also put down a few of your hobbies. Again, be mindful of keyword use.

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  1. Call-To-Action

If you want more engagement, you have to sprinkle some CTAs in your bio. If you put simple and direct CTAs into your Instagram bio, the chance of conversions is higher. To highlight it, you can use a special font, capitalize words, or use some fun emojis.

  1. Tagging Related Accounts

Each account you tag in your bio can be clicked on, which means that it helps overall traffic. If you have businesses you work with, you can link them in your bio and they can link you. This is sure to get you more followers from the people interested in your brand. You can add some branded hashtags, as well. They can help you get more engagement.


Getting around Instagram is not that difficult, but making the perfect Instagram bio is no easy task. However, if you follow these tips and nail everything, you won’t have any problems.

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